Quantum Playshop

June 7-9, 2024 - Las Vegas, NV

3 Day - Small Intimate Gathering

June 7-9, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada


It's an exciting time to be fully aligned with the emerging organic reality!  As we continue on this journey, our ability to communicate with purer vibrating information will arise.  As the distortions and densities release, a natural pathway of knowing emerges.

If you feel called to this playshop, you most likely hold larger quantum blueprints and light architecture to assist humanity and more...

An Opportunity to Work With Me In Person...

A few times a year I hold a small intimate group event in the sanctuary of my home.

The intended focus for this incentive is to work together on a Quantum Level, assisting with the unlocking of the planet and anchoring new levels of consciousness and Light.

This intensive is a chance to really go deep and step into a new level of self awareness and Light!  Over 16 hours of quantum work, along with the prep and integration work that is provided energetically, this intensive is a powerhouse of Quantum Upgrades.

Many people experience profound shifts in their life after this type of event with me. Please be prepared make the outer reality changes your Higher Self is directing to align you more fully with Divine Flow.

Each intensive is unique, as the work depends upon who shows up.  There is always a group project/objective or work that is specific to those who come.  It's super fun and empowering work!



Friday ~ 2pm - 6pm
Saturday ~ 10am - 6pm
Sunday ~ 10am - 6pm

Includes:Coffee/tea, snacks and lunch on Saturday & Sunday/Snacks Friday

$995 pp

$300 Non-Refundable Deposit Holds Your Space
**Refunds will be given if government travel restrictions inhibit your ability to attend**

What Clients

Are Saying...

I had no idea what to expect, but this event blew me away.

"I had no idea what to expect, but this event blew me away. The quantum work that was done was surprising, surreal, and so potent. The personal upgrades where tangible and actually being in Raquel's home, well the energy there is powerful, yet feels like a big incredible cosmic hug! I felt so safe, nurtured and seen/valued for who I am. I would recommend this workshop HIGHLY to anyone who has a desire to grow and serve humanity!"

Kathy B., USA

I felt like I was with my soul family doing what I really came here to do!

"If you're ready for a wild ride into quantum cosmic work, this is the ticket. To watch Raquel work is fascinating. She literally "streams" as we go and EVERYONE is part of the work and experience! I felt like I was with my soul family doing what I really came here to do! I would HIGHLY recommend attending a Quantum Playshop with her."

Heather H., USA

I knew it would be powerful, but this was way beyond what I thought it would be.

"This workshop was amazing!  It's hard to put into words what I felt and experienced.  I knew it would be powerful, but this was way beyond what I thought it would be.  I'm still processing the shifts and changes.  Thank you for what you do and how beautifully you do it!"

Karen M., USA

You truly are a Cosmic Guide leading the way for Lightworkers to step into their own power and mastery.

"Just wanting to say “thank you” for a wonderful experience.  Your work never disappoints, and this workshop was powerful in so many ways.  You truly are a Cosmic Guide leading the way for Lightworkers to step into their own power and mastery."

Linda B, USA

I feel peaceful and so full of love that just keeps expanding.

"I knew being in your physical presence would be profound and I was looking for shifts that would change my experience and trajectory. The energy was off the charts!

Since the workshop I am far more centered and able to ground easier. I feel peaceful and so full of love that just keeps expanding. My perception and awareness of the goings on around me are so clear. I am able to view so much more through a lens of neutrality. I am far less reactionary and find myself more and more in observer mode. I am not allowing myself to be pulled into drama, and if I am, I recognize and course correct quite easily.

I am finally accepting of being here at this time (this is HUGE), and grateful to be a member of the Ground Crew! I truly feel empowered to step into my authentic, powerful, divine self and truth."

Dona M, USA

I was amazed by the diversity of the participants and how Raquel brought everyone together to do the work.

 "As someone really just starting to step into Raquel's work, I didn't know what to expect from the event or what my role would be. I was amazed by the diversity of the participants and how Raquel brought everyone together to do the work.  It was a great experience that gave me new insights into myself, my energetic abilities and the role I can play in doing the work with a collective group.  I appreciated the new relationships I made within Raquel's Soul Family and can't wait to go to another one!"

Candi E., USA

Here are some things you may experience...

  • Quantum Lightbody Upgrades to help you thrive in your live
  • Cosmic & Galactic Connections... deeper understanding of what ascension really is
  • Deeper Connection to Your Higher Self and Cosmic Wisdom... priceless
  • Cosmic group work for humanity and the ascension process
  • And more...  But be forewarned, this event can bring MASSIVE change in your life...


I'm A Specialist

I'm referred to across the universe as a Multidimensional Energy and Cellular Light Specialist and Bio-Engineer of Living Conscious Form.  One of my main contracts, missions, directives is to bring through the most advanced energy technologies to help the human body repair and evolve to hold higher levels of Light intelligence.

For decades we (soul group of highly evolved Light workers) have been continuously integrating higher Light codes and increasing our frequency to facilitate our remembering.

I work on the Multidimensional level of reality, encoding the Matrix of this holographic experience, to reprogram and repair the distortions within this physical experience.

It's time to empower more and more Starseeds and Lightworkers to unlock their gifts and memories to enhance the acceleration of consciousness. 

Reserve Your place now...


Friday ~ 2pm - 6pm
Saturday ~ 10am - 6pm
Sunday~ 10am - 6pm

Includes: Coffee/tea, snacks and lunch on Saturday & Sunday
Coffee/tea and snacks on Friday

$995 pp

I will be taking applications, so apply now!

By Application Only to Ensure Cohesiveness with the Group Synergy!

Non-Member Pricing

$995 Non-refundable Deposit $300 Holds Your Space
  • Experience Multidimensional Upgrades
  • Participate in Cosmic Group Work for Humanity
  • Gather with Like Minded Souls and Make New Connections

Light Portal Members - Save 10%

$895 Non-refundable Deposit $300 Holds Your Space
  • Experience Multidimensional Upgrades
  • Participate in Cosmic Group Work for Humanity
  • Gather with Like Minded Souls and Make New Connections

Non-Refundable Deposit of $300 Holds Your Spot
Payment in Full Due 30 Days Before Event

Copyright 2023. Raquel Spencer. Website by FO.