Ascension – A Continuous Ride

Welcome to the ascension process! We have been in it for decades, but the ride keeps getting more and more exciting. The last several weeks have tested our resolve and determination in multiple ways. Think back almost six weeks to be beginning of June when the “true preparation” for the eclipse season started and all…

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How Strong Is Your Personal Energy Field?

Do you feel like your energy gets zapped? Do you ever feel wiped out after being in a crowd of people?  Or walk into a room and feel like you could sense the negativity in the air and instantly  your energy changes? We live in a fast-paced chaotic world. Every day we are bombarded with…

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Self Love IS Essential!

Self-love. Such an amazing concept for just too small words. The foundation of awakening is to reconnect with our Divine Essence. Our essence – the truth of who we are – is love. In this day and age, it is easy to get caught up in the materialistic and outer world. So much of the…

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Do You Love Yourself?

Self Love.  It is something that most people gloss over in conversations or when speaking of them self. Of course everyone wants to believe they love them self, without reservation.  Why wouldn’t someone love them self?  It seems like such a simple thing, something that should be so natural, but is it? We are in…

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Believe In Your Future

We made it through December 2012.  Now what? This is a time of new beginnings.  A time to utilize and embrace all of the wisdom, knowledge and skills we have been acquiring over our lifetimes and live our truth. Once we moved through this December 2012 threshold, the future is ours to create.  Actually, it…

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Enlightenment: A Physical and Spiritual Process

Enlightenment is both a physical and Spiritual process.  When your body holds more “Light as Information”, you become aware of dimensions which are oscillating at higher/faster levels.  This new awareness or perception is called a “Shift in Consciousness.” Advancements in science and quantum physics tell us there are a minimum of 13 dimensions of reality. …

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