Unlocking the Planetary


Group Energy & Grid Work


Friday, May 10 @ 1PM PT, 4PM ET, 9PM London

Saturday, May 11 @ 5AM Tokyo, 6AM Sydney

2 Hour LIVE Zoom Video Group Energy Work

Working Together

A United Focus of Love


We are all in this together. My intention with this online group workshop is to bring Light family together to facilitate quantum energy work on a global/universal/multiverse level.

This will provide the opportunity to work together, impacting larger containers/levels of consciousness to assist with the shift from binary to triwave magnetics.

An extension of my Live Quantum Playshops, I'm being guided to facilitate a virtual zoom event which will provide the opportunity to work together in this way.

Each of us are a part of the puzzle and have embodied with unique pieces, keys and blueprints to unravel the experience of separation and shift into Unity Consciousness on this planet.

We are all awakening to our truth as multidimensional masters and our roles as Quantum Emissaries of Light.

Join me for a gathering where our collective Light and frequency can provide a greater impact upon humanity, while bringing expansion to our individual journeys and life.

Anchoring new levels of

The Triwave Magnetic / Christos Consciousness

We are anchoring a new reality/experience/level of consciousness, on both personal and planetary levels.  One that supports the frequency and expression of Unity Consciousness.

Although this journey continues to be an inner quest for enlightenment, our desire to make a positive impact for humanity and all life during this time of ascension is deeply felt by many.

Each and every one of us plays a role in the ascension.  Many of you brought in codes, blueprints and pieces of the larger quantum puzzle which are necessary for the ascension.

However, many are unaware of what they bring or how to implement or apply them within the quantum framework.  This is one of my jobs or skill sets during this time of awakening.

I usually work one on one, or in a live group setting to work at a quantum multiverse level...  until now.


And... the opportunity to participate with the higher multiverse quantum architecture ascension work which will benefit everyone.  And YOU will also benefit individually, as we work together in this way.

This multiverse/quantum work may include unlocking collective binary distortions/containers, activating new grids and so much more.

Whether you join live or listen to the replay, your ability to participate at the quantum level is the same.

This gathering is an opportunity to collaborate with soul family you may never meet in person, on a more consciousness and tangible level.

Many of you recognize my role and skill set to assist at this level of global, universal and multiverse quantum energy work.  For this, I am deeply grateful.

Join me as we upshift the level of quantum energy
group work to positively impact all life.

Online Workshop Format

  • First we will discuss what is happening at the Quantum Level
  • Next will will dive into the Collective Energetic Gridwork, Unlocking of Specific Locations and Whatever is Presenting in the Highest for Humanity
  • I will hold a Quantum Light container for 7 days to assist with the personal integration of this work.
  • This event will be recorded and available for replay, so sign up now!

The details...

Friday May 10th

Friday, May 10 @ 1PM PT, 4PM ET, 9PM London

Saturday, May 11 @ 5AM Tokyo, 6AM Sydney

Recording Available for 3 Days - Your Energy Will Be Included


We are the change agents anchoring the next level of consciousness!

Sign Up Now!


Supernova Level Light Portal members,
this event is included!

Non-Member Pricing

  • 2 Hours of Global Collective Energy Work
  • Come Together with Soul Family Online
  • Beautiful 7 Day Quantum Container for Deep Integration
  • Replay Available for 7 Days

Star Light Portal Members

  • 2 Hours of Live Global Collective Energy Work
  • Come Together with Soul Family Online
  • Beautiful 7 Day Quantum Container for Deep Integration
  • Replay Available for 7 Days

I'm A Specialist

I'm referred to across the universe as a Multidimensional Energy and Cellular Light Specialist.  One of my main contracts, missions, directives is to bring through the most advanced energy technologies to help the human body repair and evolve to hold higher levels of Light intelligence.

For decades we (a soul group of highly evolved Light workers) have been continuously integrating higher Light codes and increasing our frequency to facilitate our remembering.

Science has embraced Epigenetics, the knowledge introduced by Dr. Bruce Lipton, which employs the power of your mind, thoughts, frequency and level of consciousness to heal your body, mind and spirit.

As we raise the frequency which flows through our energetic centers and matrix, fundamental and spontaneous healing and shifts in awareness can occur.

Copyright 2024. Raquel Spencer. Website by FO.