New Communication

Networks of Light

Energetic Activation Series

Upgrading for the New Magnetics

Our bodies have never experienced the level of Light and new magnetics we are experiencing in this moment.

As the old distorted systems of Gaia continue to unravel, we need to disconnect from the old leylines and false communication systems that were running within Gaia for thousands of years.

This set of activations brings in a new level of support for your nervous system and your Earth Star communication system. An entirely new level of circuitry interface and levels of energetic communication with Gaia are integrated preparing your Soul Aspects for more direct communication.

Prepare yourself to reconnect to the new clear communication system Gaia is bringing online as she steps back into her own higher levels of consciousness.

This series of activations will assist you to prepare your own Lightbody.

Special Offer ONLY $149 ~ Package Value $289

What Clients

Are Saying...

I would like to say that since I have been working with you over a year now that my spiritual path has accelerated and I have been able to clear old beliefs and patterns. 

"My guidance has become clearer and I have to say I am not the same person that I was before doing your transmissions of Light/work.

I am very grateful that I found you.  Your work brings exactly what I need for my growth, right when I need it.  I look forward to every single transmission and series and I am grateful for the amazing growth I have experienced along the way.

Thank you, you are amazing !!!!!"

Sharon R. USA

Oh my goodness, Raquel, I have been honored to work with you.

"But have NEVER felt the intensity of any work as I did today! I am blessed by your

gift to us. Thank you!"

Katherine N., USA

Thank You so much for the experience. I have noticed an abundant amount of change in my life since Beyond the Matrix.

"I have been much more positive since the event. I've had physical energy that I didn't think was possible recently.

I look forward to delving further into you Light work"

Amanda D, USA

I have felt “happier", more cheerful and inwardly a sense of joy and calm.

"Just wanting to say “thank you” for wonderful workshop,  In short, I was tired yet “elevated with the energy/experience."

Veronica T, USA


Multi Color Abstract Gradient Crossing Wavy Background. Fractal Art Digital Painting for Home Decoration. Fantasy Effect Blur Light Overlay. Trendy Graphic Colorful Floral Leaf Psychedelic Wallpaper

Disconnecting from the Old Distorted Leylines of Gaia

As the old distorted systems of Gaia continue to unravel, this activation disconnects us from the old leylines and false communication systems that have been running within Gaia for thousands of years. Clearing out the old magnetics within our cellular system, our bodies will recalibrate neutralizing the old distortions and preparing to reconnect to the new clear communication system Gaia is bringing online as she steps back into her own higher levels of consciousness.  50 Minute Energy Activation


Upgrading Your Bio-Electrical System

Our bodies have never experienced the level of Light and new magnetics we are experiencing. This activation brings in a new level of support for our nervous systems to handle the influx. Your Earth Star communication system also receives and upgrade and a massive upload of information from Gaia’s new organic grids. 50 Minute Energy Activation


Mysterious Colorful Floral fractal neon lights. Seamless pattern fine art gradient colorful twirl effect color texture. Marble Twisted ink Light Fibers Effect Psychedelic Abstract background wallpaper
Multi Color Abstract Gradient Crossing Wavy Background. Fractal Art Digital Painting for Home Decoration. Fantasy Effect Blur Light Overlay. Trendy Graphic Colorful Floral Leaf Psychedelic Wallpaper

Cosmic Acupuncture for Body Awakening

The ancient pathways and ley-lines become active within Gaia as she continues on her Ascension, bringing more direct access. A holographic mapping system was installed into the Earth Star for Gaia and the Galactic Star for the Galaxy, which will allow us to interface from beyond this level of consciousness, or what is “known” at this level of reality. 50 Minute Energy Activation


The Dance of Inner and Outer Crystalline Communication

An entirely new level of circuitry interface and levels of energetic communication with Gaia are integrated preparing your Soul Aspects for more direct communication. 50 Minute Energy Activation

Multi Color Abstract Gradient Crossing Wavy Background. Fractal Art Digital Painting for Home Decoration. Fantasy Effect Blur Light Overlay. Trendy Graphic Colorful Floral Leaf Psychedelic Wallpaper

Expanding the Interface of Your Brain Hemispheres

Activating Quantum Prana energy.  Upgrading the physical organs of your lungs and heart brings a flow of information and communication from Higher states of consciousness. 50 Minute Energy Activation

How this package works


With almost 5 hours of High Frequency Energy Activation, this work upgrades/prepares you to activate and begin the process of building your new own new communication network of Light.

Working with your Higher Self, I work directly with your energetic and physical body to clear, upgrade and facilitate the activation of your Lightbody to further prepare you for the levels of Light and new magnetics coming onto the planet.

Each activation is unique and works as a stand-alone upgrade AND as part of your continued evolution of embodying consciousness and awakening to your quantum self.


Simple Guidelines for this series:

  • It is best to complete the activations in the order listed below.
  • Each activation is approximately 50 minutes in length.
  • My work is EXTREMELY PHYSICAL in nature.  That surprises a lot of people, so self-care is essential while doing this work.
  • I recommend spacing them out, doing one activation a week for 6 weeks.  This gives you ample time to integrate at the cellular level.
  • I highly recommend doing them right before you go to bed.
  • Follow your guidance impeccably!  Listen and take action.  It's your journey of awakening!

Each activation can be repeated until you feel you've received all that is available for you before moving on to the next in the series.  Many repeat the activations multiple times.

You are unique and will move into sacred union within when it's aligned for you.  This work supports you at the quantum level to move into this level of Lightbody activation with more ease and grace.

The most important thing is to be open to receiving all that is 100% aligned with your Higher Self, Happiness, Health and Well-being.

Value $289

Universal Heartbeat

Quantum Prana Alchemy


This guided meditation and breathwork is designed to bring you into an expanded level of awareness. Working with Quantum Prana Alchemy, your heart expands into the oneness of the universe.

Universal Heartbeat - Quantum Prana Alchemy

I'm A Specialist

I'm referred to across the universe as a Multidimensional Energy and Cellular Light Specialist and Bio-Engineer of Living Conscious Form.  One of my main contracts, missions, directives is to bring through the most advanced energy technologies to help the human body repair and evolve to hold higher levels of Light intelligence.

For decades we (soul group of highly evolved Light workers) have been continuously integrating higher Light codes and increasing our frequency to facilitate our remembering.

I work on the Multidimensional level of reality, encoding the Matrix of this holographic experience, to reprogram and repair the distortions within this physical experience.

It's time to empower more and more Starseeds and Lightworkers to unlock their gifts and memories to enhance the acceleration of consciousness. 

Copyright 2021. Raquel Spencer. Website by FO.