2022 Seeding The New Year

A Master Builder Year ~ Create Your New Reality


2022 is a time for Vision, Expansion and Mastery.  Even as the old reality is still unraveling, we are seeding the new creation codes for humanity.  

More than ever before, 2022 is the time to envision the best version of ourselves and the world.  The training of living from your heart and having heart-based decisions is the cornerstone for creating the new earth.

Collaboration, community, connection to nature/Gaia herself is the foundation for a future of happiness, sovereignty and abundance!

This new/next nine year cycle is all about building the new reality!  2022 is a master builder year as we break through the old paradigms and set humanity on a higher pathway of living in harmony and community.

The platforms or blueprints for the new earth are seeding electro- magnetically onto the earth through the new grid systems. 

Join me on New Year's Day as we:

Align to the new platforms of consciousness seeding 

Anchor more fully into the new magnetic grids of the planet

Activate the seeds/pods we are destined to collaborate with

Amplify our ability to magnetize abundance and...

Set the energies for a powerful 2022

Collaboration, community, connection to nature/Gaia herself is the foundation for a future of happiness, sovereignty and abundance. As we continue to embody the high frequencies, we will birth through us the next level of consciousness.  It's always an inside job first... 

Join me on New Year’s Day for a FREE 1 Hour Quantum Activation of Light as we Set the Energies of this extremely important and powerful Master Builder year of 2022.   


FREE - NEW YEAR'S DAY @ 12pm Pacific



Meet Your Guide


Raquel is a Quantum / Cosmic Guide and Architect working with the creation codes of the multiverse and beyond.  Each and everyone of us is here to create a new earth reality that is built upon the organic codes of Light, encompassing collaboration, sovereignty and our natural birthright as Divine Humans.

We are here to remember our truth as multidimensional masters of Light and Love.  Working with thousands of clients across the globe, Raquel is dedicated to helping reawaken humanity through unlocking the human body and mind from levels of deep distortion and disconnection from Source Intelligence.

A Lightbody specialist and Quantum Light Activator, her work helps you step into higher state of frequency and divine union with all aspects of your unique signature frequency throughout the universe.  It's time to anchor our higher states of consciousness into the new earth reality and live a life of connection and joy.